Global Citizenship Peace Tour: Bio & Time Line   

Global Citizenship Peace Tour

In every country there are people who want peace. In 2005-2006, I set out to be a messenger of peace and the power of the common people—in every country—to make peace in spite of our various governments' fascination with war. I shared my work as an artist, and my wife shared her work as an educator. So often, we met people who initially asked us, "What is happening to your country?" After our presentations and discussions, so often people said, "We thought all Americans were greedy and selfish--until we met you. Thank you for coming." I encourage us all to be citizens of the world: embracing what Nobel Peace Prize winner Jane Addams called in 1906—lacking a better term—“cosmic patriotism.” As an artist, I must respond to this compelling need.


To exhibit my Anguished Art: Outcries for Peace paintings and sculptures, or my Outcries for Peace Banner Art, or to have me perform Who's Telling Our Story?, please contact me at



• October-November 2005: solo show, Anguished Art: Outcries for Peace, at Wilmington College's Harcum Art Gallery, in the Boyd Cultural Arts Center, Wilmington, Ohio.

• October 2005: Featured Speaker, on a panel with Chris Hedges, John Crawford, and Anne Morrison Welsh at Westheimer Peace Symposium, Wilmington College, Wilmington, Ohio.

• October 2005: Premiered digital movie with live narration and original music: Who’s Telling Our Story? at Westheimer Peace Symposium.

• October 2005: Presented Who's Telling Our Story? at Haverford College's Center for Peace and Global Citizenship as the inaugural film in Bryn Mawr Peace Coalition's War and Peace Film Series.

• November 2005: Presented Who’s Telling Our Story? at Little Art Theatre in Yellow Springs, Ohio. Organized community forum to react to film.

• December-March, 2005-2006: Created scrolls show, Banner Art: Outcries for Peace, for travel in Asia.

Travel in Japan, China, Canada, Denmark:
Collaborations with Artists and Educators and Presentations on Peace and Education.

  • April 2006: Performed Who’s Telling Our Story? in Japanese and English at Peace Museum, Hiroshima, Japan.

• April 2006: Performed Who’s Telling Our Story? in Japanese and English at World Friendship Center, Hiroshima, Japan, followed by community forum.

• April 2006: Taught class on using art for anti-war message at World Friendship Center, Hiroshima, Japan.

• April 2006: Visited Sakaragoake High School, Toyohashi, Japan (Addressed middle and high school social studies and art students.)

• April 2006: Collaborated with Japanese artists and American artists to create and perform the Toyohashi Station International Peace Project with banners, poetry, performance, and community discussion of war and peace issues.

• April 2006: Presented as guest lecturer at Kyoto-Seika University, Kyoto, Japan, to graduate and undergraduate students). Performed Who’s Telling Our Story? and led discussions on world affairs and art.

• April 2006: Presented as guest lecturer at Kansai University, Kyoto, Japan, to graduate and undergraduate students in Media Studies and American Studies classes. Performed Who’s Telling our Story? and led discussions on media and art.

• April 2006: Made numerous school visits and spoke to community groups in Toyohashi, Japan.

• May 2006: Taught art classes at Xinglong County Vocational School (for high school
s tudents majoring in art), Xinglong County, China.

• May 2006: Lectured at Beijing Art Academy for graduate students and English and art majors. Performed Who’s Telling Our Story? and led discussions on world affairs and art, Beijing, China.

• May 2006: Lectured at Rugao Normal College for high school students, undergraduates, and Rugao area teachers of English). Performed Who’s Telling Our Story? and led discussions on world affairs, teaching, and art, Rugao, China.

• May 2006: Appointed Visiting Lecturer in English and Art Faculty, Rugao Normal College, Rugao, China.

• June 2006: Performed Who’s Telling Our Story? and led discussions on world affairs and art, for A.P. English and History classes at Concordia International School Shanghai (CISS), Shanghai, China.

• June 2006: Performed Who’s Telling Our Story? and led discussions on art, media, and peace activism in the arts at International Peace Research Association Conference, Calgary, Canada.

• June 2006: Exhibited painted scrolls, Banner Art: Outcries for Peace Anguished Art: The Human Cost of War at International Peace Research Association Conference, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada.

• July 2006: Attended Seminar at International Peoples’ College, Elsinore, Denmark and Oslo, Norway: Peace in the Modern World: Peace and Global Conflict Resolution. Performed Who’s Telling Our Story? and led discussions on art, media, and international war culture.

• July 2006: Exhibited painted scrolls, Banner Art: Outcries for Peace Anguished Art: The Human Cost of War at International People’s College, Elsinore, Denmark.

• October 2006: Performed Who’s Telling Our Story? and led discussions on art, media, peace education, and global issues for educators at Multicultural Resource Center Conference, Shipley School, Bryn Mawr, PA.

• November 2006: Performed Who’s Telling Our Story? and led discussions on art, media, at St. Asaph's Episcopal Church Community Forum, Bala Cynwyd, PA.